Dani - Community Engagement

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Could you introduce yourself and say a little about your background?

I’m Dani (he/him), Community and Healthcare Centres Engagement for Preptrack since 2022. I was born and raised in Spain but for the past 10 years I have lived in Brighton. Some of the reasons why I moved to the UK are my fascination for the international, travelling and my love for languages (I speak French, conversational Italian, Spanish, and English, of course!). Here, I completed my undergraduate degree in International Studies, followed by postgraduate studies in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management.

What do you do for work and what skills are you bringing to Preptrack?

Currently, I work as department administration lead for an international telehealth company which provides services including GP consultations, mental health, nutrition and, lastly, second medical opinions – this is the department I manage. In addition to my day-to-day job, through work, I also provide travel-health advisories for customers being assigned overseas. This entails providing expertise on country-specific travel health information including local health system information, healthcare centres and precautionary measures. Before my current role, I worked for more than five years in international medical assistance. To Preptrack I bring my extended experience with the healthcare sector, as well as operational and communications skills that I have developed over time which I consider are fundamental for every project to be successful and sustainable. These skills include: flexibility and resilience, the ability to engage effectively with involved stakeholders and, building and maintaining effective partnerships. I am delighted to be able to use these to help in achieving Preptrack’s mission.

When did you first hear about Preptrack and why did you decide to get involved?

I first came across Preptrack online when trying to find tools to help me staying on top of my own PrEP use. After some months of using the app and loving its features, I decided to do some research into the team and non-profit behind it. My experience as a user of the app plus a single reading of the website were enough to make me believe in this great initiative and get me excited about wanting to be part of it. My main motivations for getting involved in the Preptrack team are the mission and the opportunity to help people. It means a lot to be part of a team with the mission to help end HIV transmissions and to finally put an end to the HIV epidemic. Second, by working on Preptrack, I feel I am making a good investment of my time doing something that can make a difference for lots of other people. I just thought: “the same way it’s helped me, Preptrack could benefit others too, so let’s spread the word!.”